Multiple Applications

Runway, Roadway and Much More

Liquidator is a paint stripe and runway rubber removal system which utilizes ultra-high-pressure water equipment to safely remove roadway markings, airport runway markings and rubber buildup, curing compound, sealer and tack.

Roadway Marking Removal

The Liquidator is used by DOT striping contractors throughout the USA to remove pavement markings, curing compound on new concrete, pavement marking rejuvenation, and retexturing asphalt surfaces with full vacuum recovery.

Runway Rubber & Marking Removal

The Liquidator is designed with multiple nozzle bar cleaning widths and nozzle configurations (6″-36″) with 72″ sweep function to remove airport runway rubber build up and remove runway and taxi way pavement markings from both asphalt and concrete surfaces, with full vacuum recovery.

Unique features of the Liquidator marking and rubber removal system include:

  • Truck driver and Liquidator operator have appropriate electronic control and monitoring capabilities
  • Tractor-mount cleaning head assembly
  • Truck-mount option with single or dual-head assembly
  • Variety of cleaning path sizes, from 5" (12.7cm) to 27" (68.6cm), with multiport nozzle bars with a twist-lock vacuum shroud
  • Simultaneous one-step process of blast removal and vacuum recovery of blast water and solid debris
  • Vacuum recovery box unique design allows filtered dirty blast water to decant while retaining the solid debris
  • Up to 1,400ft³/m (39,643l/m) vacuum power pack
  • Gravity discharge vacuum box with 1,800gal (6,814l) capacity
  • Water supply tank of 1,000-2,850gal (3,785l to 10,788l)

Curing Compound Removal

The Liquidator is used on both airport and roadway concrete surfaces to remove the curing compound prior to recoating, critical to the quality of coating bonding to new concrete.

Paint Cleaning & Rejuvination

The Liquidator is used on both airports and roadways to clean existing striping/coatings to enhance the coating reflectivity or to allow restriping.

Retexturing of asphalt surfaces is used to recover the profile in roadway tire tracks where the asphalt has percolated to the surface causing low tire friction, a major safety risk.

Kubota Mounted Cleaning Head Systems

The Liquidator Kubota system is used in multiple applications on airports and roadways and parking lots to remove pavement markings from restricted areas such as airport gate areas, roadway messages, city roadway/intersections.

The Kubota system will deliver the same energy as the truck mounted system; however, production rates are greatly improved with the flexibility of this unit in restricted areas.

Other Applications

Other applications for the Liquidator water-blast markings removal system includes airport runways, apron, gate and taxiways; garages; hangar floors; highways; coatings from condominium decks; and curb cleaning.

For over 37 years Blasters has been dedicated to saving its customers time and money. Our team of experienced engineers and our contracting service arm designed the technology for rapid quality marking removal. The Liquidator is a formula for success: multiple applications plus high production rates equal a rapid return on investment.

From Roadway to Runway